

Final Paper Sumission is closed and the Committee is working on the Conference program and drafting the Proceedings.  There are a few registions to be clarified to final Papers. Total Papers  to be presented in the Conference is about 130+.


The Priliminary Program is now posted and Authors are advised to ready their prsentation as scheduled in the Program.


The conference will started in less than 10 days.  The Organizing Committee like to thanks your support making great success in the coming ICSPCC 2022!!


ICSPCC2022 IEEE Conference Record #55723, 



Call for Papers

The 2022 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC 2022) will be held in Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, in October 25-27, 2022

The goal of the conference is to bring together leading engineers, researchers and academics from the world to discuss novel theories, technologies and applications in the areas of signal processing, communications and computing. The conference will feature prominent plenary speakers as well as technical sessions.

Xi’an is an ancient but vibrant city. Delegates can join the local tours to visit the famous UNESCO World Heritage Site of Terracotta Warriors and Horses, and other historical sites including the City Wall, Qian Tomb, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Famen Temple, Hua Qing Palace, etc., leaving you with unforgettable memories of Xi’an.

Special arrangement

The current epidemic is still wide spreading and travelling to Xian is not feasible.  The Organizing Committee decided the ICSPCC 2022 will be held on line.

Paper Submission

Submitted papers must not have been published previously and they must not be currently under consideration for publication at another venue. All submissions will be handled electronically. The full papers should adhere to the standard 8.5" X 11" IEEE format and must not exceed 6 pages and accepted papers will be submitted to the Xplore Digital Library.

Topics for the conference include, but not limited to

u   Unmanned System

u   Machine Learning

u   Audio and speech processing

u   SP for communications

u   Sensor array and multi-channel SP

u   Wireless communications and networks

u   Image and multimedia SP

u   Optical communications and networks

u   Radar and sonar SP

u   Ultra wideband technology

u   Detection, estimation and classification

u   Microwave, antennas and propagation

u   Space time processing and MIMO systems

u   Cognitive radio and sensor networks

u   Underwater communications and networks

u   Internet of things

u   Channel estimation and equalization

u   Embedded system design

u   Modulation and detection

u   Grid and cloud computing

u   Mobile social networks

u   Circuit and systems for signal processing

Important Deadline


Full Paper Submission Deadline: August 20 ,2022  (extended)
Notification of Acceptance: September 1, 2022
Final Paper submission Deadline: September 15,2022
Author’s Registration Deadline: September 15 ,2022

Conference Venue:  Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, China

Conference Secretary:  Lingling Zhang, Northwestern Polytechnical University
    Contact email:



Co-sponsored by




History of ICSPCC


The Conference was initiated and organized by IEEE Xi'an Section and IEEE Hong Kong Section in 2011. 


The 11th one, ICSPCC2021 , was held in Xian, China, China.

The 10th one, ICSPCC2020 , was held in Macau, China.

The 9th one, ICSPCC2019 , was held in Dalian, China.

The 8th one, ICSPCC2018 , was held in Qingdao, China.

The 7th one, ICSPCC2017 , was held in Xiamen, China.

The 6th one, ICSPCC2016 , was held in Hong Kong, China.

The 5th one, ICSPCC2015 , was held in Ningbo, China.

The 4th one, ICSPCC2014 , was held in Guilin, China.

The 3rd one, ICSPCC2013, was held in Kunming, China.

The 2nd one, ICSPCC2012, was held in Hong Kong, China. 

The ist one, ICSPCC2011, was held in Xi'an, China.



Honorary Chair
Jianguo HUANG
Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., Xi'an


General Chairs
Jingdong CHEN,
Northwestern Polytechnical univ.,Xi'an
Chuanwei Zhang, Xi’an University of Science and Technology


Technical Program Chairs
Jie CHEN, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., Xi'an
Ray CHEUNG, City Univ. of HK
Shefeng YAN, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Peter TAM, IEEE HK Section


Track Chairs
Qunfei ZHANG, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., Xi'an
Zhenhua Yu, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
Ricky LAU, City Univ. of HK
Shu-Hung LEUNG, City Univ. of HK


Special Scession Chair
Chengbing HE, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., Xi'an


Publication Chairs
Edward CHEUNG, HK Polytechnic Univ.

Chao PAN, Northwestern Polytechnical univ., Xi'an


Publicity Chairs
Wentao SHINorthwestern Polytechnical Univ., Xi'an

He XI'ANG, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., Xi'an


Student Paper Award Chairs
Jing Han, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., Xi'an
Peter TAM, IEEE HK Section


Local Arrangement Chair
Tian Ma, Xi’an University of Science and Technology , Xi'an


Registration Chairs
Xiaodong CUI, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., Xi'an
Chengkai TANG, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., Xi'an


Finance Chairs
Chengbing HE, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., Xi'an

Lingling ZHANG, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ., Xi'an



IEEE Xi’an Section

IEEE Hong Kong Section

Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an

Xi’an University of Science and Technology


Technical Sponsors

IEEE HK CASCOM Joint Chapter

IEEE Xi'an SP Chapter

Shaanxi Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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